
I have one child of my own but there are so many others I love just like family. Kelsi is one. This beautiful girl is about to celebrate her sweet sixteen. While I couldn’t be happier for her, this causes me anxiety on multiple levels, not only because she is growing up so fast, but also because it’s a reminder that my own daughter isn’t far behind!

I captured these images a few weeks ago when she came to visit. Bubbly as always, she was excited when I asked if she wanted to pose for a few portraits with me. She too has developed a love for photography and has a keen eye for making beautiful images, which of course makes me thrilled- I’m always excited to talk about art!

A drama major at the Classen School of Advanced Studies, Kelsi has a passion for making the magic happen backstage rather than center stage. She loves working on several different productions throughout the school year and spends her time as a camp counselor during the summer months. I can always count on the best musicals gracing my television whenever she visits, as well as educated rundown of what is going on behind the scenes. Thanks to her I was introduced to the magic of Cirque du Soleil and several other great works.

Fondly nicknamed Kelso, she is always the responsible one and I can always count on her to be a leader and share her youthful wisdom with her friends. Her vivid smile is contagious and her wit and tenacity never cease to amaze. Faith is fortunate to have such a wonderful friend and I am so grateful Kelsi is a part of our lives. I just know this girl is going to go on to do some really great things in her life. I can’t wait to see what her future holds!

Hey, I'm Berlin!

I help brands tell stories with creativity and authenticity.



