
Quarantine Update

As many may know, I wear a lot of hats. When I’m not expanding my mind or working with amazing brands on their awesome projects, I play such roles as Leader of the Pack, Plant Pimp, Head Chef, and Magic Maker. These roles have kept me going through the stages of the pandemic, keeping the flame inside me lit, even when it feels like the world around me is billowing towards ashes.

While the current state of worldwide affairs has been awe-inspiring, absolutely insane, and incredibly horrific; quarantine has given me the downtime to turn inward, find some inspiration, and focus more on my own creative pursuits. This has led to me spending more time behind the camera and countless hours redesigning and reviving my personal blog. Plants, food, rescued opossums, and dogs have become the principal subjects of my lens over the last couple of months. But really, who could complain about that?

At Bloom Whenever I share what I learn about plants, yoga, spirituality, and my journey through this life. Join me if you like, if not, here’s a few photographs from my quarantine. (so far.)

Berlin Green

Located in Oklahoma City, OK • travels worldwide

Freelance creative & marketing professional specializing in helping brands of all sizes effectively communicate with their messages with creativity and authenticity.