Five Reasons You Should Book a Luxury Portrait Session

Five Reasons You Should Book a Luxury Portrait Session

Daisha-Luxury-Portrait-SessionThe idea of doing a luxury portrait or boudoir session can be intimidating. Some women are excited about the idea, others scoff at the thought of letting someone photograph them at all. I all too often hear women say they don’t like photos of themselves, that they aren’t pretty or sexy or that they wouldn’t know what to do during a photo shoot.

A luxury portrait session with me is calm and relaxed. Trust me, we will have so much fun. Don’t worry about whether you are photogenic or not, (you totally are!) it’s my job to guide you into every pose, capturing all those perfect angles. These sessions often turn into a day of self-discovery, empowerment and self-acceptance. My mission is for you to walk away from your session empowered, feeling proud, sexy, beautiful and strong.


A luxury portrait session is a wonderful way to celebrate yourself, your journey and your accomplishments. Whether it’s a milestone, a birthday, anniversary or any other life event, beautiful portraits give you the opportunity to look back on this time in your life and reflect on who you were, and where you were.


We all have few of ourselves that we like; the ones that we put as our profile picture or send as holiday cards. No iPhone photo (no matter how great portrait mode is!) can ever come close to making you look like the people see on television and in magazines. The women in those photos are just like you and me, and often, when seen in yoga pants, without the perfectly manicured hair and makeup, nobody would guess that they were model material. Bring in professional hair and makeup artists, add some styling and a professional photographer, and that is when the magic happens!

I believe that every woman should experience a luxury portrait session, not just celebs and models. My glamour and boudoir portrait sessions include professional hair, makeup and styling. It’s an incredible thing to see a woman look in the mirror after they have been all done up and changed into a fantastic dress or sexy lingerie outfit, then leave them speechless when they see their portraits. Every woman is beautiful and deserves magazine-worthy photographs that will make her feel as flawless as any woman in the media.


We all have issues with our bodies, regardless of dress size. I’ve never met a woman who was completely content with every single part of her body.  Whether you’re happy with the size that you are or if you believe you need to lose several pounds, we all have pieces and parts that we wish were a little bigger or smaller, less wrinkly or more toned. It’s like it’s ingrained in our nature to be dissatisfied with these bodies we inhabit, but it’s important to see that you are perfect, just the way you are. Most of the women I photograph are not a size 2, yet I often hear, “I’d love to do a shoot but I need to lose weight first.” The truth is most of us will never lose that extra 10 pounds that we believe to be so offensive to the rest of the world and all of us are only getting older.

Acceptance of our imperfections is a challenge, but overcoming it allows us to truly love ourselves. A luxury portrait session allows you to see a side of yourself you didn’t know existed and gives you photographs to treasure forever.


As my mentor, Sue Bryce, says: “You deserve to exist in photographs.” Women are natural givers. We give and give and give, and often we forget to give to ourselves. It’s no longer an option to not have beautiful photographs of yourself. At some point, we all leave this world and when that day comes, the very first thing that your children and loved ones are going to want is photographs of you. You are a daughter, a lover, a sister, a mother, a grandmother or a wife. The people in your life deserve to have beautiful images of you. They don’t care about your body size or if you have wrinkles or grey hair. They care that you exist. Honor your existence. Exist in photographs.


I love the intimacy of photographing a woman alone and really getting to know her during our session, but I love it even more when she comes in with their girlfriends, sisters or mother. There is no better confidence boost or way to celebrate your relationships than to enjoy a session with the women you love.

Experience professional hair and makeup artistry; enjoy champagne and hors d’oeuvres, talk, laugh, love and have photographs taken of yourself and the girls you cherish most. After your session, go out for a great dinner or night on the town. It’s a beautiful day of laughter, love and an experience you will never forget. Celebrate yourself or someone you love with a luxury portrait session. Interested in booking? Fill out the form below and I’ll be in touch to schedule your risk-free consultation. More questions? Click here to view my FAQ.


Hey, I'm Berlin!

I help brands tell stories with creativity and authenticity.



